

Let your mind take you to your bedside table lamp and think:

Where did you buy it? With whom were you? Do you know where it was made? By whom? How much did you pay for it? How many times did it break? Maybe it never did, but you binned it nonetheless. Can you imagine it having a whole different value to you? Can you imagine even naming it? As one does with things that count, that last, that are dear. There is no right or wrong answer to any of the above but consider this.

DIYR (pronounced ‘dear’)

Celebrates the spirit of creativity, independence and resourcefulness. The acronym DIYR stands for “Do It Yourself Revolution”, promoting reflection and new forms of production. Combining simplicity and longevity with ethics and aesthetics.

At a time when the market is continuously flooded with flashy new products and eye candies, DIYR focuses on the nearest and dearest of basics: simplicity and longevity, ethics and aesthetics. We believe first-hand knowledge of an object’s build promotes a different relation and emotional value, combining emotions with function and purpose.


We actively commit to countering planned obsolescence and curtailing e-waste. We promote a mindful approach to conscious design, repurposing components and inviting users to become Doers. We want Doers to make and design what they need, keep and like. We design growing ecosystems of innovative, playful, guiltless, intuitive, and highly purposeful families of social electronics for anyone to build, hack, re-think, personalise, share and fix. 


At this online platform we make available the necessary instructions for you to turn into a proDuser of useful and beautiful objects. We provide wise advice about the tools and materials to use and the best ways to source, recycle, assemble, and fix along the way.


Our ecosystem comprises of objects that are simple to use because they are intuitive to make; that are naked to the eye because what you see is what you get; that are guiltless because you know where it comes from, because recycled and repurposed; that are easily upgradeable, and fixable because the idea is to cut on consumption and waste; that are beautiful because personalisable; that are dear because they are made by you.


DIYR is first and foremost about empowering you to do.

The knowledge and skills of our doers expand in multiple directions, from electronics and production technologies to design, making or repairing. By enabling the production of consciously built things with an emotional value that surpasses their market value, DIYR encourages the realisation of self-made objects that are easy to assemble, practical to use and stimulate constant reinvention. Dear because you do and know how it is done. Doing is Knowing.


DIYR is about it: any object you choose to do, to craft and to tech.

We love It, we love technology, we love innovation of all sorts and the possibilities to synergise it all. Seeing technology-enabled objects as repositories of questions related to society, useability, and longevity. DIYR tickles the freedom to choose, make, change, adapt and repair. We encourage you to choose It, to do It and to continue making It again and again. We invite you to source the components of the objects where and whenever possible, and to reuse and repurpose instead of purchase. What you learn along the way you might wish to teach and share with others at your local fablab or anywhere else. Dear because It is really yours and is here to stay as long as you want it to.


DIYR is also about yourself: your freedom, your doing, your voice.

DIYR is here to empower You to do and to imagine. To take action and assume responsibility by doing yourself and contributing the much-needed shift in the relations with the objects around you, with the industry, society and the environment. By doing, your self changes, it expands and grows along with your doing. DIYR encourages you to prototype new ways of living, thinking and tinkering, placing your needs, logic and preferences at the centre. Dear because made by you, wherever you are.


DIYR empowers you to do and invites you to reflect on products, production, and technology. Questioning the logic and systematic behind them, it is an open invite to think about objects, technology, typologies, use, production, longevity and freedom. DIYR is encouraging and empowering non-experts to build things by themselves and discover or initiate local networks of doing, sharing and support. Glocal networks of knowledge exchange are fostered while the economic interest of market and industry are undermined through design activism, self-production and a welcome appropriation of form and function.


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