Frequently asked questions

1.1. I love your products, but I do not own a 3D printer.. What can I do?

If you do not own a printer, do not despair! There are many great solutions: first, you can go to your local fab-lab or makerspace and kindly ask them to print our STL for you. This is a great way also get introduced to world of printing without spending much (usually it is just the price of the filament and a small small extra). If you do not have fablabs close to you, you can order our files online though 3D printing services like Shapeways, Hubs, and Sculpteo to name just a few. Otherwise, if you do have a bit of spare money to invest, there are a lot of great cost effective printers that will get you started for as little as 120 euro, that will require a bit of tuning but will teach you a lot on the world of electronics.

1.2. Do i really need to print the parts in PETG?

Yes, and no. While for some mechanical applications the petg is needed (eg Fan Propellers, Bases,..), most of our collection can also be printed in PLA. Nevertheless, we still strongly reccomend PET for two reasons: the first being the durability and thermal resistance of the plastic which enables longer lasting and mechanically stable prints. The second, while pla is strongly marketed as an ecological polimeter, this is not so true about its end of life cycle; while for PET the recycling infostructure is ready and running since years, the same cannot be said about PLA which cannot be as easily recycled.

1.3. Where can I find 1.2mm nozzles?

You can find them for quite cheap on Aliexpress, otherwise the easiest and most cost effective solution is to drill them yourself with a 1.2mm drill bit. Since the hole is so big, precision is not fundamental, just be sure to clean left over debris from the drilling process to avoid clogging and undesired under-extrusion.

1.4. I do not want to go through the process of recycling old 18650 battery but i still would like to help, what can I do?

Resellers like provide in their catalogue completely tested and working reclaimed batteries which can be purchased at a discount. If you are not willing, or feel uneasy going through our battery revival guide, this is a great and cheap alternative which we fully support.

1.5. Is it dangerous to reuse old LiPo batteries from my old devices?

Yes, while the battery may look pristine adn fully compatible from a first glance, many old LiPos run at a maximum rated voltage of 4.35V, therefore resulting incompatible to our electronics. Furthermore, old cells which might look okay on the outside (maybe due to the presence of an hardcase) on the inside might already started deteriorating. Due to the nature of their internal chemistry that produces CO2 and carbon monoxide. The accumulation of these gases makes the external shell expand and eventually break, resulting in a reaction between the lithium and the oxygen present in the air and the subsequent ignition of the battery pack.

Therefore for safe and dear (DIYR) products we incourage using new LiPo cells with the correct protection circuit in place.

1.6. Can I use Aluminum tubes insted of PVC?

For most of our products there is no problem in replacing them (eg. Structures) but for our Speakers we strongly advise to use non-metal tubes to avoid unwanted resonances and to better isolate the membrane.


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