- It takes about
- 1-2hrs
- It costs about
- 10-20€
- Difficulty
- Low
- License
Structure Pole Small
By following the instructions below and/or downloading the linked files you agree to the specified license agreement.
3d printer
Protection gloves
Sandpaper 40 grit - 100-220
Alcohol 96
Spray can
PVC tubes - 1m x ø20 mm
Coloured Filament
Felt - Self adhesive
O-ring - 2x 11x2.5 (R8)
Magnet sphere - Ø12,7 mm
Electronic components
1 Overview
2 Printing
Wise advice
3D printed parts: if you don’t have a 3D printer you can produce the pieces in your local FabLab or order them online.
2.1. Printing
After downloading the files (3D print section above), print the pieces with the following printing settings:
Printing the base
Nozzle: 1,2mm, for a riffle effect download our Prusa Slicer settings
Material: PETG
Layer height: 0.8 mm
Printing caps, pin and ball-joint:
Nozzle: 0.4 mm
Material: PETG
Layer height: 0.2 mm
Infill: 20%
3 Preparation
3.1. Cutting and sanding the tube
Cut the tube into the given length, we recommend the use of a metal saw for a clean cut. Make sure to have a straight cut
Make sure to correct and refine the cut using sand paper and/or a file
Sand the complete length of the tube using a 220-grit sandpaper, this will optimise the grip of the finishing
Clean the whole surface with rubbing alcohol and a soft cloth.
4 Colouring
4.1. Colouring of tube and 3D parts
Follow our finishing guide
5 Assembly
Insert the metal weights into the base, through the hole. Use about 1,2kg.
Make sure your base is stable enough.
5.2. Making of the base 2
Cut a circle of the self-adhesive felt, and center it at the bottom of the base. Make sure to have ca.10mm between the edge of the felt and the base
Make sure the glue stays on the outer side of the edge.
It must not touch the magnet or its housing. Apply some pressure and let dry for at least 15min.
5.3. Assembly of the magnet ball joint
Place the magnet into the joint body
Apply carefully small amount of superglue (ideally gel) over the rim of the body
Is the magnet free?
Shake the magnet-ball joint and make sure that the magnet is free inside. If it is stuck improvise to free it (i.e. with a thin pencil through the body bottom)
If it does not work try to gently remove the cap and repeat the operation
5.4. Assembly of the magnet ball joint 2
Carefully position the cap ontop of the body, pressing the pieces together to ensure proper bonding
Slide the o-rings onto the upper and bottom slots (incase more friction is needed use a 3rd one in the middle slot)
Wise advice
Be careful when putting the pieces together, make sure not to damage the finishing of the pieces.
If the tube is covered with foil insert the tube by turning it a bit until the bottom of the base.
If the tube is painted apply some pressure to widen the sides of the base close to the top, slide the tube inside and leave the sides gently.